Previous post of part, I create two type workstation.
One optics(Data) workstation will do this job.
This a specifica create by quality department before get approve by manager.
The optics workstation will online to get this specification from system. see as the picture.
Well, optics workstation will get this specification from produce plan.
When PMC get a order from sales department, that they must sent demand for raw materials and supplies to other department to support.
Then PMC will reply delivery time back to sales department and create produce plan convert from this order.
Produce plan data flow into system, go next workstation when they finish job, keep this action when product go to optics workstation.
Optics workstation just get this plan to choose that can use specifications to check those products.
After check, those products will get a new level from both normal quality and optics quality, and those products become to half products.