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2010年11月6日 星期六

SQL Server 2008 Develop Edition in W7X64PRO setup [new installation or add features to an existing installation] and [ok]
3.keyin [product key] and [next]
4.checkbox [i accept the license terms] and [next] [install]
6.problem scan [performance counter registry hive consistency] see regedit and goto [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\]
b.[009] use [export] to 009.reg
c.[0404] rename to [0404-1] 009.reg and modify [009] to [0404], double-click 009.reg after save and close
f.if you haven`t installed [sql server 2005 express tools] or remove before click [next]
7.[setup role] click [next]
8.[feature selection] click [select all] and [next]
9.[installation rules] click [next]
10.[instance configuration] select [default instance] or not and click [next]
11.[disk space requirements] click [next]
12.[server configuration] settting [account name(use system) / password] click [next]
13.[database engine configuration] select [mixed mode ...] and setting [password], [add current user] before click [next]
14.[analysis services configuration] click [add current user] before click [next]
15.[reporting services configuration] select [install the native mode default configuration] click [next]
16.[error reporting] click [next]
17.[installation configuration rules] click [next]
18.[ready to install] click [next]
19.[installation progress] click [close]
20.install service pack sp2 x64 and x86

1 則留言:

  1. 若是w7x86則將009匯出009.reg後,開啟009.reg將009改為004存檔,然後匯入後即可
