show code js

2012年4月27日 星期五


we can use cocos2d development game on iOS

  1. install xcode
  2. goto
  3. click download tag, and download stable version
  4. create a directory on mac, set it call cocos2d
  5. uncompress and move to cocos2d directory
  6. open terminal and goto cocos2d-iphone-VER directory
  7. use "sudo ./" to install
  8. when pup a window that you keyin password to contiune to finish.
  9. open xcode and click cocos2d project, and you can see three project templates
  10. choose a template to create new project and building after see a hellow world on screen
  11. if happen warning like this "uniqueIdentifier is deprecated", you can find out those line and command out. because iOS can`t create UDID, but apple have a method to create it.
add a png
  1. copy a png file to project, ex:test.png
  2. edit filename"layer".m
  3. add code and run, you can see test.png on screen and moving.
    // start
    // add a png at screen
    CCSprite *spacePng = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"test.png"];
    [spacePng setPosition:ccp(100, 100)];
    [self addChild:spacePng];
    // let this png moving
    id moveAction = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:5.0f position:ccp(300, 200)];
    [spacePng runAction:moveAction];
    // end

2012年4月11日 星期三



  1. 分機可以互撥
  2. 可以跨區線上聯合語音會議室
  3. 本地專屬的語音會議室
  4. 可以跨區撥打外線,以市話計費,客戶回撥時可以以市話計費並可跨區至二岸分機
  5. 可以使用智慧型手機、平版、桌型電腦、筆電等作為分機,若與桌機整合則可以省去分機實機的建置費用及空間
  6. 群組共振及權限區分
  7. 還有CDR功能及LIFE CALL功能
  8. 利用Qos及頻寬的調整,語音訊息都很棒
  9. 空間只需要二個3.5吋硬碟大小的空間及網路即可
  10. 二岸整體建置費用費用不到十萬大洋哩。